Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Barriers Of Health Care Upstream Supply Chain In India - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Barriers Of Health Care Upstream Supply Chain In India The Contribution And Interaction Of Factors. Answer: Background The supply chain of healthcare has been enlighten in different ways in recent years. The healthcare supply chain management refers to the approaches of equipment, food, laundry, suppliers, vendors and transport facility in the health care sector for achieving Total Quality Management (Christopher 2016). The effective use of the health care supply chain in the market has been able to provide quality care services to the care users. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been continuously involving in this topic to attain maximum results in health care sector (Dobrzykowski 2014). According to WHO, the state of absolute mental, social and physical wellbeing rather than absence of disease in considered as health care. The health care has been a prominent purpose in the human life. The objective of the health care system has been facilitating an achievement of health to the society by delivering quality services to individuals in the society. Methods This research will focus on the barriers of supply chain in healthcare in India. The use of the various techniques for resolving these challenges will be discussed in the research. The literature review of the research topic will be done in order to understand the basic concept of the health care supply chain and the factors affecting its growth in India (Mangan and Lalwani 2016). There will be various theories and models will be discussed in the research. The research will follow appropriate methodology to complete the study in the topic. Both primary and secondary data will be collected by organizing online survey and interview. A sample of 50 hospital personnel will be taken for organizing online survey and 10 questions will be present in questionnaire. An interview will be organized with three health care experts and five open-ended questions will be asked to them. Results The results of the research will be stored securely without any tampering. The data and information will be shown using Likert Scale ranging from 1 to 5. The results and outcomes will be shown in tabular form and graphically represented. Project details: Problem Statement The main problem discussed in the research is about the challenges faced in the upstream supply chain management in health care in India. The development of professionals in the health care sector has been facing problems with the bad supply chain management in the healthcare sector. The supply of the medical products and services has been affected by the cultural root diversity in India. The lack of focus and low cost control process in the health are sector has created a peculiar situation in the market. Research Question Following are the research questions: What are the factors contributing the upstream supply chain management in healthcare in India? What are the issues related to healthcare supply chain upstream for a hospital in both hospital and doctor perspective? What are the challenges to the upstream supply chain management in health care in India? What are the strategies for mitigating the identified challenges in healthcare? Aims and Objectives The aim of the research is to analyse the barriers of healthcare supply chain in India. Following are the objectives of the research: To identify factors contributing the upstream supply chain management in healthcare in India To analyse issues related to healthcare supply chain upstream for a hospital in both hospital and doctor perspective To identify challenges to the upstream supply chain management in health care in India To recommend strategies for mitigating the identified challenges in healthcare Introduction to the market Structure of the market The market of the health care in India has been continuously growing in the recent years. The population of India has been continuously rising with years. It involves the flow of network consisting of supply of raw materials and medical products in the market. According to survey, estimated population of India in 2011 was 1.21 billion that has a steady growth of 17.64 percent per year (Govindan et al. 2014). The projected population of India in 2050 will be 1.6 billion having 189 million people under 60 years of age (AbuKhousa et al. 2014). Therefore, with this massive growth in population, the requirement of health care services has been increasing. The supply chain of the heath care sector has been tortured in many ways. Primary Literature Review The healthcare supply chain in India has been a fragmented sector consisting of major part pf economy of India. The supply chain in healthcare has been lagging behind in recent years. The effectiveness of the supply chain management in the health care has been a critical issue in the market. The use of the supply chain in the health care has been propounded in the early stages of the healthcare. The supply of the health care services has been related with the traditional concept of health care services (Yao and Minner 2017). This literature review will focus on two aspects of the health care system including health care products manufacturing and health are services. The consolation of the health care services has been properly maintained in the industry. The supply chain management is associated with the pharmaceutical products ensuring high benefit in providing quality medical services to the patients. The product life cycle of the industry has been enhanced with the involvement of modern technology (Kwon, Kim and Martin 2016). The lack of awareness regarding the supply chain management has caused serious issues in the health care sector. The stockless approach has initiated the traditional approach of low volume medical supplies in the market. The lack of top management support in the supply chain management has been a prior challenge in the health care. The cost reduction has been always a goal for the health care sector to provide quality services to patients (Adebanjo, Laosirihongthong and Samaranayake 2016). The theories and models in supply chain management have helped in understanding the Research Methodology This research will use positivism philosophy with deductive approach and descriptive design. This methodology will help in completing the study of the research in a professional manner with correct outcomes and results. The data and information for the research will be collected from both primary and secondary data sources (Razak et al. 2016). The analysis of data will be performed by using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis method. The results and outcomes will be shown using the Likert Scale ranging from 1 to 5. The results are shown in tabular format and graphically represented. The research will follow the ethical consideration under the Data Protection Act 1998. 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