Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Case Analysis of Sutton Health

CASE ANALYSIS OF SUTTER HEALTH 1 Case Analysis of Sutter Health CASE ANALYSIS OF SUTTER HEALTH 2 Sutter Health is a non-benefit organize that is made up by network based medicinal services suppliers situated in Northern California. This system presented an interface that was planned for upgrading income assortment of the offices from oneself compensation patient.This arrange recognized that customary installment handling framework had impediments that blocked the successful gathering of income. What with the downturn, social insurance associations have seen an expansion in the failure to gather obligation from oneself compensation, the uninsured and underinsured patients. This has caused a great deal of battle with regards to the associations to meet the operational edges and the profits.I discover there are various purposes behind the new increment in patient’s obligations, the most well-known are, helpless bookkeeping rehearses, absence of patient data and right socioeconomi cs. There is new administration that is intended to give increasingly organized consideration to said patients (Gleeson,2010). There are five geographic areas that mirrors the medicinal services access to the clients of Northern California. Every one of the five districts will have administration structure and it will direct a significant number of the Sutter associated clinical offices and furthermore the emergency clinics. In its push to build purpose of administration assortments and improve the general income cycle Sutter wellbeing found a way to quantify execution utilizing a bunch of explicit essential benchmarks, enabling PFS staff to accept accountability for each individual record they handle, guarantee every enrollment is investigated utilizing a guidelines motor to distinguish issues before patients leave the enlistment work area and guarantee PFS staff get suitable thorough preparing to exceed expectations under the new system† (Souza, McCarty, 2007).Obtaining the right patient data has an enormous influence on non-collectable obligation since patients can't be reached. These constraints were related with restricted access to exact data by the record delegates, insufficient execution gauges and divided focuses of the administration arrangement. The Sutter Health program built up a framework that was included arrangements that were equipped towards conquering these confinements. I will be CASE ANALYSIS OF SUTTER HEALTH 3 talking about the new framework that was made by Sutter Health.The key issues and issues, is that the United States medicinal services framework is described by enormous upkeep from gathering income from patients. This circumstance is realized by a social insurance protection framework which involves high deductible compensation wellbeing plans and just as higher co-installments plan. (Souza, McCarty, 2007). This circumstance has been aggravated through the huge extent of the populace not having social insurance inclusion. The customary human services framework experiences serious difficulties meeting their objective income collection.This is because of a few issues that appended alongside the conventional installment framework. Not at all like when managing the installments through protection guarantees yet additionally managing the direct front installments that are required by the medical clinic for installment of administrations before the patient could even get the administration (Souza, Mccarty, 2007). So this implies the patient administrations staff (PFS) must have total and precise data about above said customer. This introduced an issue for the conventional installment framework where a great part of the client installment framework was prepared in the back end.This framework additionally necessitated that the PFS staff request cash from self-pay patients, however the PFS were not familiar with this under the customary framework. The PFS staff thought that it was difficult to hang tight for the back end segment to process client data and to give a breakdown of the patients installment subtleties. So this turned into a dreary assignment for medical clinic bookkeeping offices just as for patients that needed to hold up a more drawn out period before getting administrations. The wastefulness of the customary framework brought about low quality administrations, yet in addition in low income collections.The framework gives such an expansive scope of medicinal services administrations, which incorporate intense, sub-intense, home wellbeing, long haul, outpatient care just as doctor conveyance frameworks. These administrations are given through an incorporated medicinal services conveyance approach that enables the framework to convey a full scope of social insurance items and administrations. CASE ANALYSIS OF SUTTER HEALTH 4 Sutter likewise distinguished that PFS staff couldn't get tightly to ongoing data in operational and budgetary markers, for example, money assortments and A/R (Souza, McCarty, 2007).So over the long haul this implied the chiefs and staff needed to hold up until the month's end so as to recognize the benchmarks. Sutter likewise perceived that the conventional framework didn't give a way to examining chosen information nor did it produce required itemized report on request. This prompted more expense as the emergency clinic needed to depend on software engineers to produce such reports. The front work area staff additionally needed ongoing data which thwarted their capacity to serve the customer without speaking with the back end staff.It likewise implied that the front work area staff couldn't screen the patients progress (Souza, McCarty, 2007). Another test was that the PFS individuals were not enabled enough to be considered responsible for every patients accounts they managed and it diminished the measure of responsibility among the staff. These are a portion of the key difficulties that the Sutter framework were intended to address . The arrangements that were utilized by Sutter Health was an endeavor to conquer the difficulties expressed previously. Sutter Health actualized certain adjustments in the front referenced framework that would make their activity more efficient.The procedures distinguished by the Sutter program involved moving the vast majority of the back end entrusting to the front work area; giving exact and complete data to chiefs and forthright staff; giving increasingly successful execution assessment and coordinating all information components inside the framework (Souza, McCarty, 2007). Permitting front work area staff to deal with a great part of the installment procedure was regarded to affect the proficiency of the procedure. Different arrangements were utilized to guarantee this is achieved.One of these arrangements involved utilizing benchmarks to gauge execution by the Patient Service Staff (PFS). Sutter distinguished a bunch of essential benchmarks which included; Unbilled A/R days, Gross A/R days, Major A/R days, Cash Collection, Billed A/R days, and CASE ANALYSIS OF SUTTER HEALTH 5 level of A/R more than 90, 180, 360 days (Souza, McCarty, 2007). This benchmark presented shorter periods with which staff exhibitions could be assessed. This move was convenient particularly while onsidering that the business has changed and things occur as far as hours and days yet not months. Another arrangement included enabling the PFS individuals to have full obligation over the records they are managing. This move was intended to expand an awareness of other's expectations and responsibility as every individual individuals will be answerable for their own record (Souza, McCarty, 2007). This additionally gave the PFS individuals more self-rule to go about as they saw fit and this improved the speed and effective of administration conveyance by these staff members.The program likewise furnished the PFS individuals with instruments, that empowered them to mechanize their record s, sort out their bookkeeping utilizing different methods and seen their exhibitions dependent on the accomplishment of the objective. PFS and other bookkeeper delegates were given individual dashboards that helped in the following of their advancement in meeting targets. This likewise helped in upholding the benchmarks set by this program. Sutter’s wellbeing program likewise presented a front end gathering framework as methods for defeating the referenced problems.The half quart of access gathering framework presented an open door for the human services offices to decrease cases and refusals. Despite the fact that this framework the patient records are dissected before the patient leaves the enlistment work area. This empowers the front work area staff to recognize issues, for example, awful obligation, patient or invalid patient sort sufficiently early and make the essential restorative move. The Sutter wellbeing program additionally left on a thorough preparing program tha t was intended to help the current PFS individuals and the enrollment staff. This gave staff the fundamental ability to manage the apparatuses gave by this system.The preparing program additionally dispensed with the need to recruit officially instructed staff to work the framework that would CASE ANALSIS OF SUTTER HEALTH 6 interest more than the $10-$20 an hour paid to current enrollment and PFS staff. For instance, enrollment staff who were not used to approaching patients for cash were prepared in viable relational abilities. The preparation was likewise intended to present self-governance and viability which went about as a help to the employee.The Sutter framework permits staff to act with more autonomy which has made them dynamic in possessing the framework. Self-sufficiency is a basic component that empowers laborers to work viably and convey the best with regards to their capacity. The productivity of the framework has likewise made crafted by the staff simpler, going about as a further inspiring variable for the staff. Another arrangement included getting patients ready for this program. The POS assortment framework isn't just advantageous to emergency clinics yet in addition to the human services clients too. (Souza, McCarty, 2007).This framework gives a patient well disposed billings which guarantees straightforwardness in the manner clients are approached to pay for social insurance administrations. The installment framework that is in power in different parts, charges the patient after the person in question has just gotten the administrations and has just left the emergency clinic. Nonetheless, the Sutter program presented straightforwardness as the patient at that point becomes acquainted with what the administrations will cost the person in question before they get the servic

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Another Friday Night at the Military School :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

5:00. Another Friday night moved around. I lay on my bed wandering off in fantasy land. At fifteen, I ventured out from home to turn into a guest at the military school, a tuition based school far, far away from home. From that point forward, each Friday night had become an obscured sentiment of fatigue combined with a similar rehashing individuals and spots. Each time I searched for a response to energy, or straightforward amusement, I hit a stopping point of limitations. Because of these extremely irritating principles, I had no vehicle or spot to go. I lived in room 208 of a three-story residence with a flat mate who was thought crazy, yet additionally had even to a lesser degree a public activity than I. My dormitory held the picture of a swinging pinnacle of dread. Sophomores and new understudies topped off the principal floor. They lived honestly contrasted with the remainder of the dormitory. They reliably remained totally shut off from any sort of noncompliance or experience. My closest companion Kyle's room sadly lay on the main floor. Second floor carried on somewhat more hazardously. We took in a couple of stunts to keep awake until late and pushed the standards somewhat harder than first. However, neither first nor second floors contacted the absurdity contained in the third floor lobby. They lived on the edge of the sharp edge. Nearly the whole lobby comprised of seniors who had more guts then a Bruce Willis film. I didn't set out endeavor onto the third floor, not on the grounds that I felt apprehensive; I felt more inquisitive than apprehensive. Being an unreliable sophomore, I didn't have the foggiest idea about the main comment to the zoo brimming with seniors. This Friday started to bring back all the discouraging sentiments of past evenings spent at the shopping center for 4 hours, or meandering the forlorn roads of Chattanooga. So what would you like to do today around evening time in any case? I said with a moan. Regular old, regular old, I mean dislike we have a very remarkable decision! Transport just goes to two places; the shopping center or downtown, Kyle shouted with a snicker. All things considered, we better go registration in any case, I shrugged. 6:00. I faltered down the slope to registration with my residence head, who stood by dubiously inside the dinning lobby. I cleared my path through all the different plate, hurrying seats, and scrambling understudies. I at long last showed up at my residence head. He moved his eyes around more than his head to see me. Another Friday Night at the Military School :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay 5:00. Another Friday night moved around. I lay on my bed wandering off in fantasy land. At fifteen, I ventured out from home to turn into a visitor at the military school, a tuition based school far, far away from home. From that point forward, each Friday night had become an obscured sentiment of fatigue combined with a similar rehashing individuals and spots. Each time I searched for a response to fervor, or straightforward diversion, I hit a stopping point of limitations. Because of these irritating guidelines, I had no vehicle or spot to go. I lived in room 208 of a three-story residence with a flat mate who was thought crazy, yet in addition had even to a lesser extent a public activity than I. My residence held the picture of a swinging pinnacle of dread. Sophomores and new understudies topped off the primary floor. They lived guiltlessly contrasted with the remainder of the quarters. They reliably remained totally shut off from any sort of defiance or experience. My closest co mpanion Kyle's room tragically lay on the main floor. Second floor carried on somewhat more perilously. We took in a couple of stunts to keep awake until late and pushed the standards somewhat harder than first. However, neither first nor second floors contacted the absurdity contained in the third floor corridor. They lived on the edge of the edge. Nearly the whole corridor comprised of seniors who had more guts then a Bruce Willis film. I didn't set out endeavor onto the third floor, not on the grounds that I felt apprehensive; I felt more inquisitive than apprehensive. Being an uncertain sophomore, I didn't have the foggiest idea about the main comment to the zoo loaded with seniors. This Friday started to bring back all the discouraging sentiments of past evenings spent at the shopping center for 4 hours, or meandering the forlorn roads of Chattanooga. So what would you like to do today in any case? I said with a moan. Regular old, regular old, I mean dislike we have a very remarkable decision! Transport just goes to two places; the shopping center or downtown, Kyle shouted with a giggle. All things considered, we better go registration in any case, I shrugged. 6:00. I bumbled down the slope to registration with my residence head, who stood by dubiously inside the dinning lobby. I cleared my path through all the varying plate, hurrying seats, and scrambling understudies. I at long last showed up at my dormitory head. He moved his eyes around more than his head to see me.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Samples For College

Essay Samples For CollegeThere are a lot of essay samples for college. But, most students tend to find them quite challenging because they are not able to grasp them well. This article helps you get the gist of the topic and helps you get a well-written and informative essay.First of all, the student should be able to tell the topic of the entire paper. He or she should have a firm idea of what they would write. Then, he or she should focus on a particular topic. The student should write the topic in the first paragraph and the last one.The first paragraph should explain the different ideas of the paper. Students must be able to do this well. In this paragraph, they should be able to explain their opinions and why they want to write the paper. They must explain the reason why they want to write the paper and how they intend to make the paper their last and final assignment. The student must also be able to add his or her full name and complete address so that the writer can get a ref erence if he or she needs it later.The student should also mention the main reason why he or she wrote the paper. Students must first know why they want to write this paper. They should make this first paragraph a priority. This is the part of the paper where the student must express the main reason why he or she is writing the paper.Next, the student should give the reasons why the main topic of the paper is important. In this section, he or she should discuss the topic for the entire paper. The student should also use short paragraphs when he or she is writing this section.The next paragraph should be the main topic of the entire paper. It is where the student should reveal the main idea of the paper. In this paragraph, the student should tell his or her opinion and explain why he or she believes the topic is important.Then, the student should give a brief summary of the main idea. In this section, the student should discuss the main idea thoroughly and go over it one by one. They should talk about different aspects of the topic as well.The student should now have a better idea of how he or she wants to finish the whole paper. All the paragraphs should be well written and easy to understand.

Monday, June 1, 2020

A Problem Of Constant Procrastination - Free Essay Example

Have you ever put something aside and forget about it only to remember it at the last second? This my friend is Procrastination, a very annoying little thing that if left unattended to can become a massive problem. Procrastination can tear your life apart! -Dangers Procrastination Can Pose Procrastination if not dealt with can have negative effects on your life and health! One of the most common ways that procrastination affects people is through Fatigue. Sleep deprivation and rushing to keep up with deadlines will tire you out and can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion. Procrastination can have effects on relationships too, missed deadlines and appointments can wear on both physical and professional relationships. Another consequence can be career setbacks Chronic procrastination keeps individuals from realizing their full professional potential, delaying if not derailing career progress. These are only a few of the many consequences of procrastination. -How to Over Come Procrastination The first step to overcoming procrastination is stepping back and figuring out whatrs effecting you in other words identify your own habits. If you can pinpoint where or what distracts you it will be a good place to start making some changes. Breaking up whatrs stressing you out into bite-sized pieces will help you not to feel overwhelmed. Another important thing to remember is that perfectionism is the partner in crime to procrastination no oners perfect it doesnt matter if the thing you were working on didnt meet your expectations all that matters is if you get it done. Flexing your schedule is important as well, make your schedules less restricting and more compatible some days will be busier than others but you dont have to get worked up over 100 things. Rewarding yourself is a good thing too celebrate small victories for having finished your tasks, the reward may be a short break/snack or maybe a pick me up coffee from the cafe. Consequently, those who leave procrastination unattended will fall victim to some pretty big problems. These problems will appear small at first but will give people a surprise when they have some job or even health problems in their way. Only those who willingly fight free from its grasp will be a better and changed person.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Differences Between American And Hispanic Culture Essay

Latino Americans are facing issues with their identity because of their ethnic and racial backgrounds due to our education institutions in America. These issues result in a separation of their American and Latino culture creating two different identities but not enough of American or Latino identity to fully feel part of either culture. This paper will be addressing the differences between American and Latino culture. American culture is an individualistic culture in which everyone tries to be unique from one another and more successful. Success in the American culture typically means being wealthy. Americans make decisions based off of their own personal needs unlike Latino culture. Latino culture is based off of collectivism where the family is the most important aspect in their lives. Latinos are more likely to make decisions based off of the best interest of their families not necessarily themselves. The primary language Americans speak is English whereas Latino Americans typically speak Spanish. One thing that both cultures share is the importance of a good education. Sociologists have been studying the effects of education on Latino Americans and to their findings there are physical and conceptual issues which include: language barriers, issues with educators and peers which cause issues within their identity development and ultimately creating this separation of cultures which can effect Latino Americans success in school. While there are other factors that may beShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Of The Hispanic And American Culture1295 Words   |  6 PagesHispanic vs American Culture Culture is the overall moral belief, customs, language, and attitudes a person is brought and raised into. Daily, we are exposed to diverse and different cultures everyday which allow us to learn the different values and traditions each culture possess. The importance of observing and learning different customs is beneficial because it can help us better adapt and prevent misunderstandings when we communicate and interact with others. Hispanics and Americans are twoRead More Compare and Contrast Hispanic Culture and American Culture Essay example1403 Words   |  6 PagesCompare and Contrast Between Hispanic Culture and American Culture I. Introduction The Hispanic population has experienced an incredible growth in the past decade in the United States of America. In 2006 it was estimated that the Hispanic cover 11 % of the population in North America. Their Origin is in Mexico and the few Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean. American culture is derived from people who originated from the European nations like Italy and the Great Britain. Cultural identityRead MoreHispanic Cultures And The United States Of America1325 Words   |  6 PagesI. Introduction Hispanic cultures and population has experienced an immense growth in the past decade in the United States of America. In 2010 it is estimated that Hispanics cover 16 % of the population in The United States of America. A significant majority of Hispanics origin is in Mexico and the few Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean. American culture is based from people who came from the European countries like Italy and the Great Britain. Cultural diversity is very important for everyRead MoreHispanics And Whites Communication Patterns1271 Words   |  6 PagesHispanics and Whites Communication Patterns Communication involves more than exchanging words between people. Gestures, postures, facial expressions and even eye contacts are important during communication. Both verbal and nonverbal cues are important during communication and can help a person understand the speaker or listener’s emotions, attitudes or status. Understanding the existence of various cultures is necessary since different cultures have varying ways of communication (Lustig KoesterRead MoreHispanic American Diversity1211 Words   |  5 Pagesamong American’s is that all Hispanics are alike. They have the same cultural backgrounds and speak the same language. This could not be further from the truth. In actuality there is great diversity among different Latin ethnic groups. Hispanic Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Columbians all have different cultural and historic back grounds that identify them as separate ethnic groups. Hispanic Americans are Americans of Spanish-speaking descent. Many Hispanic Americans are the descendants of MexicanRead MoreHeritage Assessment1611 Words   |  7 PagesInfluence of Heritage on Current Culture Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.It is essential for nurses to provide culturally sensitive care to each and every patient in order to establish repor and maintain a safe working relationship with each individual. To provide culturally sensitive care to a nurses patient’s he or she must first assess their own beliefs, values, and culture at large. The nurse can doRead MoreHeritage Assessment Essay1204 Words   |  5 Pagesindividual’s heritage varies between different cultures and consists of determination of one’s ethnic, religious, and cultural background (Spector, 2009). The heritage assessment tool helps healthcare professionals evaluate someone’s physical, mental, and spiritual beliefs which in turn helps with determining traditional health methods such as health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. It also helps in opening a pat hway for effective communication between the patient and health careRead MoreThe Issue of Immigration: The Hispanic-American Diversity1456 Words   |  6 Pagesacrimony among Americans today with a great deal of the focus being directed toward individuals identified with Hispanic cultures (Guittierrez, 2006). There is a misconception among many Americans that all Hispanic cultures are identical in religion, linguistic, political, social, and family conventions and this misconception too often leads to biases and prejudices that create barriers. In reality, there are a many similarities between Hispanic groups but there are also many differences that characterizeRead MoreMinorities Affected By Civil And Equal Rights965 Words   |  4 PagesFear of Losing a Culture’ is an auto-biographical essay written by Richard Rodriguez. Both of these literary works have a shared theme of change and social conflict. However, both works were written at different times in history. There ar e similarities as well as differences between the two works. The shared theme of change for these two works is the change that is taking place in America concerning black Americans and civil rights in â€Å"The Times They Are A-Changin† and Latin Americans and equal rightsRead MoreHealth Disparities Within Dekalb County1709 Words   |  7 PagesGeorgia and its reflection on the state impacts the health and well-being of its communities today as it relates to cultures and institutions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act - 2065 Words

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA was originally created in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities were given the opportunity to receive a free and adequate education. IDEA has been revised and many times since 1975, the most recent being in 2004. IDEA consists of parts A, B, C, and D. Part A outlines the basic foundation, and defines terms used throughout the act. Part B outlines the responsibilities of schools to educate students aged 3-21. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act does provide funding for schools, as long as they comply with the six main principles of set forth in IDEA. The first principle states that every child is entitled to receive a free and appropriate education,†¦show more content†¦This allows students with disabilities to be in a general education classroom with their non-disabled classmates for various amounts of time, depending on the needs of the individual student. The fifth and sixth principles schools must comply with go together. The fifth states that input from parents and students must be taken into account during the education process. During the education process if a parent feels that their child is not receiving adequate or needed services, they have a right under IDEA to challenge their child s treatment through due process. The six principles that schools must comply with for students with disabilities were created to ensure that students receive an adequate education like their non-disabled classmates receive, and protects them against discrimination at school. IDEA also contains a Part C that is much like Part B, but targets the education of very young children. Part C outlines the responsibilities of identifying and reaching children with disabilities from birth to 2 years old. Parents of children in this age range are entitled to receive identification and services and interventions in a timely and appropriate manner. Parents at this age receive a Individual ized Family Service Plan instead of an IEP for school aged children. Parents are also entitled to take part in creating the ISP and timely resolutions to questions or concerns in their child s evaluation process. IDEA s part D pertains to the national

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Barriers Of Health Care Upstream Supply Chain In India - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Barriers Of Health Care Upstream Supply Chain In India The Contribution And Interaction Of Factors. Answer: Background The supply chain of healthcare has been enlighten in different ways in recent years. The healthcare supply chain management refers to the approaches of equipment, food, laundry, suppliers, vendors and transport facility in the health care sector for achieving Total Quality Management (Christopher 2016). The effective use of the health care supply chain in the market has been able to provide quality care services to the care users. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been continuously involving in this topic to attain maximum results in health care sector (Dobrzykowski 2014). According to WHO, the state of absolute mental, social and physical wellbeing rather than absence of disease in considered as health care. The health care has been a prominent purpose in the human life. The objective of the health care system has been facilitating an achievement of health to the society by delivering quality services to individuals in the society. Methods This research will focus on the barriers of supply chain in healthcare in India. The use of the various techniques for resolving these challenges will be discussed in the research. The literature review of the research topic will be done in order to understand the basic concept of the health care supply chain and the factors affecting its growth in India (Mangan and Lalwani 2016). There will be various theories and models will be discussed in the research. The research will follow appropriate methodology to complete the study in the topic. Both primary and secondary data will be collected by organizing online survey and interview. A sample of 50 hospital personnel will be taken for organizing online survey and 10 questions will be present in questionnaire. An interview will be organized with three health care experts and five open-ended questions will be asked to them. Results The results of the research will be stored securely without any tampering. The data and information will be shown using Likert Scale ranging from 1 to 5. The results and outcomes will be shown in tabular form and graphically represented. Project details: Problem Statement The main problem discussed in the research is about the challenges faced in the upstream supply chain management in health care in India. The development of professionals in the health care sector has been facing problems with the bad supply chain management in the healthcare sector. The supply of the medical products and services has been affected by the cultural root diversity in India. The lack of focus and low cost control process in the health are sector has created a peculiar situation in the market. Research Question Following are the research questions: What are the factors contributing the upstream supply chain management in healthcare in India? What are the issues related to healthcare supply chain upstream for a hospital in both hospital and doctor perspective? What are the challenges to the upstream supply chain management in health care in India? What are the strategies for mitigating the identified challenges in healthcare? Aims and Objectives The aim of the research is to analyse the barriers of healthcare supply chain in India. Following are the objectives of the research: To identify factors contributing the upstream supply chain management in healthcare in India To analyse issues related to healthcare supply chain upstream for a hospital in both hospital and doctor perspective To identify challenges to the upstream supply chain management in health care in India To recommend strategies for mitigating the identified challenges in healthcare Introduction to the market Structure of the market The market of the health care in India has been continuously growing in the recent years. The population of India has been continuously rising with years. It involves the flow of network consisting of supply of raw materials and medical products in the market. According to survey, estimated population of India in 2011 was 1.21 billion that has a steady growth of 17.64 percent per year (Govindan et al. 2014). The projected population of India in 2050 will be 1.6 billion having 189 million people under 60 years of age (AbuKhousa et al. 2014). Therefore, with this massive growth in population, the requirement of health care services has been increasing. The supply chain of the heath care sector has been tortured in many ways. Primary Literature Review The healthcare supply chain in India has been a fragmented sector consisting of major part pf economy of India. The supply chain in healthcare has been lagging behind in recent years. The effectiveness of the supply chain management in the health care has been a critical issue in the market. The use of the supply chain in the health care has been propounded in the early stages of the healthcare. The supply of the health care services has been related with the traditional concept of health care services (Yao and Minner 2017). This literature review will focus on two aspects of the health care system including health care products manufacturing and health are services. The consolation of the health care services has been properly maintained in the industry. The supply chain management is associated with the pharmaceutical products ensuring high benefit in providing quality medical services to the patients. The product life cycle of the industry has been enhanced with the involvement of modern technology (Kwon, Kim and Martin 2016). The lack of awareness regarding the supply chain management has caused serious issues in the health care sector. The stockless approach has initiated the traditional approach of low volume medical supplies in the market. The lack of top management support in the supply chain management has been a prior challenge in the health care. The cost reduction has been always a goal for the health care sector to provide quality services to patients (Adebanjo, Laosirihongthong and Samaranayake 2016). The theories and models in supply chain management have helped in understanding the Research Methodology This research will use positivism philosophy with deductive approach and descriptive design. This methodology will help in completing the study of the research in a professional manner with correct outcomes and results. The data and information for the research will be collected from both primary and secondary data sources (Razak et al. 2016). The analysis of data will be performed by using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis method. The results and outcomes will be shown using the Likert Scale ranging from 1 to 5. The results are shown in tabular format and graphically represented. The research will follow the ethical consideration under the Data Protection Act 1998. References AbuKhousa, E., Al-Jaroodi, J., Lazarova-Molnar, S. and Mohamed, N., 2014. Simulation and modeling efforts to support decision making in healthcare supply chain management.The Scientific World Journal,2014. Adebanjo, D., Laosirihongthong, T. and Samaranayake, P., 2016. Prioritizing lean supply chain management initiatives in healthcare service operations: a fuzzy AHP approach.Production Planning Control,27(12), pp.953-966. Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Dobrzykowski, D., Deilami, V.S., Hong, P. and Kim, S.C., 2014. A structured analysis of operations and supply chain management research in healthcare (19822011).International Journal of Production Economics,147, pp.514-530. Govindan, K., Kaliyan, M., Kannan, D. and Haq, A.N., 2014. Barriers analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process.International Journal of Production Economics,147, pp.555-568. Kwon, I.W.G., Kim, S.H. and Martin, D.G., 2016. Healthcare supply chain management; strategic areas for quality and financial improvement.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,113, pp.422-428. Mangan, J. and Lalwani, C., 2016.Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley Sons. Razak, A.A., Rowling, M., White, G. and Mason-Jones, R., 2016. Public sector supply chain management: A triple helix approach to aligning innovative environmental initiatives., (1 (eng)). Yao, M. and Minner, S., 2017. Review of multi-supplier inventory models in supply chain management: An update.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

MacTara free essay sample

?Mactara is currently (2007) in a healthy financial position relative to other competitors in the lumber industry. They have stayed profitable amidst an unstable marketplace with their biggest consumer, the United States. This uncertainty is a problem for MacTara and the Canadian softwood lumber trade as a whole. Also, the company has some new equipment that has not been used to its full, profit-maximizing capacity. As consultants to MacTara we will provide alternative strategies for expanding operations, continuing operations, and cutting back/ operations. In order for MacTara to expand its operations and enter into the high profit margin market of value-added wood products they must: 1. Budget costs to increase production a. Quote for current and future international shipping fees b. Quote for re-engineering the kiln c. Quote for new packaging plant d. Quote for outsourcing packaging 2. Consolidate Atlantic region lumber industry a. Ensure high volume of raw materials from numerous smaller suppliers b. We will write a custom essay sample on MacTara or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page End Fibre Agreement with pulp mills 3. Begin implementation of new projects and alliances overseas 4. Increase production and begin entering European market (First-mover mentality) 5. Continuously educate customers on wood energy These are crucial steps (see exhibit C for details) for Mactara to enter the value-added wood product market of wood pellets and softwood decking/flooring. This strategy is most favourable for Mactara because the volume of production is increasing, average costs are decreasing and more emphasis is put on high profit margin products. This approach will also add jobs within MacTara and the Atlantic region. If Mactara decides to continue operations as they currently stand they must acknowledge the volatility of the USD and the unstable trading channels available to them. The main focus using this strategy would be: 1. Constrain production to current and future market demand a. Reduce current production during market slump b. Predict future market demand c. Prepare to increase or decrease production moving forward 2. Lobbying government for emphasis on keeping softwood lumber treaty stable 3. Creating personal relationships with current customers of construction lumber and pellets 4. Honoring current and future pellet contracts This passive approach to the problem facing MacTara is unfavourable due to the strength and size the company currently holds over the Atlantic region. It does, however, allow the company to avoid the risk of competing overseas with lower quality Russian and Baltic wood products. These products will cut into the profit margins of Mactara. Current capacity should cover overseas pellet contracts but a significant drop in production could lead to legal troubles. With this strategy MacTara has to remain adaptable to current market trends, requiring continuous analysis of the marketplace and acting reactively instead of proactively. Perhaps MacTara decides the industry is too volatile and unpredictable to continue the current volume of production and decides to close its business operations. If the shareholders believe they can create more wealth in a healthier industry they may choose to liquidate the assets of MacTara while the company is still financially healthy. To do so would require: 1. Assess the current market (can we be profitable for three more years) a. Continuing operations for three years and announcing future plans to exit the market or; b. Paying contract fees and exiting market immediately 2. Shutting down operations and laying off the workforce 3. Liquidating assets including new saw, state-of-the-art pellet mill, buildings and the MacTara name Selling the company may be met with hostility but the economic future for the shareholders is protected. MacTara is financially stable and would attract a high price due to its high quality products and strength within the industry. This approach would be considered the safest of all and would only benefit the owners. The external factors facing this industry include political, economic, sociocultural, technological, environmental and legal aspects. Fortunately for the Canadian softwood lumber industry many of these aspects provide opportunities for success and growth (see exhibit A). Politically, the industry enjoys stability, regulation and tax credits for renewable energy across Canada, the United States and the European Union. The current economic situation is rather bleak and does not show growth due to a low USD, a stagnant construction industry, emerging Chinese/Indian markets and low inflation (possible recession). Canada, although a smaller population, enjoys a bounty of rural workers who expect modest wages. High consumerism in global markets ensures a steady demand of wood products. Technological mature, the lumber industry isn’t expected to see any revolutionary innovations to production. This aspect of maturity is also a benefit to energy customers as their old systems are easily adaptable to wood energy. Environmentally sound practices are essential to the success of a lumber producer and waste must be managed effectively. There are also many legal implications like private ownership, contracts, labour boards for disputes and health and safety initiatives. Because of high profit margins lumber producers are interested in value added wood products (see exhibit B). This creates a threat of new entrants in the pellet and decking/flooring markets that is countered by the large economies of scale that are used to reach such high margins and the large initial investment required to begin production. Lumber is an essential tool/material in construction and is rather hard to find a cost effective substitute. However, the pellet and decking/flooring markets’ substitutes range from wind, solar, oil and coal energy to tile, laminate, composite and hardwood flooring. Our customers and suppliers can’t pressure us with the threat of integration and the larger the mill the more influence over the geographic region. Large mills can provide economic stability to smaller producers of logs and enjoy large profit margins knowing customers cannot create their products on their own. Knowing your competition is essential (see exhibit D). MacTara’s competition depends on which market segment we’re focusing on. Construction lumber is produced in North America and the largest mills are located to the West of the mountains. This ensures our competitive advantage of trade routes to the more densely populated Eastern US. We also have a major port in Halifax for access to the European markets for value added products (see exhibit F). In Europe the competition is tougher as branding is essential. There are endless choices for flooring/decking overseas and we will need the help of Weyerhaeuser to solidify our brand. Baltic and Russian products are soon to enter the market and they have the advantage of trading routes. This is where our competitive advantage of CSR is beneficial. We actively demonstrate business practices that are environmentally friendly and sustainable (see exhibit H). MacTara prides itself in waste management and converts all waste into fuel used on site or pellets to be sold in the marketplace (see exhibit G). With these competitive advantages Mactara should be a staple in both the construction lumber and value added wood products markets for the foreseeable future. Our recommendation for Mactara moving forward is to expand operations, exploiting its competitive advantages in Canada, the US and the EU. Expanding allows for MacTara to become less dependent on the US who has proven to be a strenuous customer as of late. Many companies across the province would appreciate the economic stability that a consolidation/alliance would create for their companies and allow them to focus on producing logs. Increase in production means an increase in by-products and therefore an increase in value added products that create more profit. Re-engineering of the kiln to burn bark should cost roughly $1M Cdn and successful lobbying of the provincial government should yield enough for the remaining cost of the packaging plant to be funded by the remaining $4M Cdn that was received due to unfair duties paid. MacTara should focus on selling pellets to all available markets within Europe (residential, commercial and industrial) and educate customers on the convenience of switching to wood heat and how environmentally friendly and financially viable the option has become. MacTara should have the first-mover mentality as they strive to grab as big a market share as possible. Contingencies are as follows: If international shipping routes cannot be secured do not move ahead with consolidation, re-evaluate the North American marketplace and, most likely, exit the unstable environment. If consolidation cannot be reached then production volumes cannot be assured for expansion, re-evaluate North American marketplace and, most likely, exit the unstable environment. If packaging plant cannot be funded contact local packaging plants and begin outsourcing. Pellets are highly profitable and outsourcing the packaging will still result in profits for MacTara abroad. If considerable market share in Europe is lost to Russian and Baltic wood products production volume will decrease leaving less by-products for conversion to pellets. Immediate exit strategy should be implemented and MacTara assets liquidated to repay any outstanding creditors. Implementation of strategy is essential to the survival of MacTara in the lumber and value added wood product industries. MacTara should not be comfortable with current economic uncertainty and strive for stability through the specific channels available.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Research Paper Example

ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Research Paper Example ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Paper ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Paper The ADDIE model of instructional design is one of the oldest models used by instructors. Classical in nature, the model is widely considered as systematic and rigid, following a step by step process in designing an instructional strategy. A-D-D-I-E stands for the five stage process in instructional design, each of which builds up on the step prior to it. The steps are interrelated, making it necessary to strictly follow the order in developing an instructional design. The first stage in the ADDIE model is analysis. During this stage, instructors or program developers carefully evaluate the problem or the learning deficiency that the instructional design aims to address. It also identifies the goals and the objectives of the instructional program including the instructional needs of the audience compared to their existing knowledge. It also considers the learning environment as well as the environment of where the learning will be implemented or applied. All these factors are necessary and are highly important to be evaluated critically in order to develop an instructional program that would greatly address the specific purpose why an instructional program should be developed in the first place. The second stage is design. During this stage, the learning objectives and training methodologies are carefully crafted based on the factors identified and analyzed in the first step. This step outlines the specific learning styles and the methodologies that should be implemented. The third stage is development, during which, the actual content of the learning materials are developed. This is also the time when the content of the learning module is completed, which will be used during the next stage. The fourth stage is implementation, the application of the developed learning materials to the actual instructional process. The last stage in the ADDIE instructional design is evaluation. During this phase, the quality and effectiveness of the instructional program is being assessed for future reference. The result of the evaluation will then be used as basis in deciding whether the same instructional design can be used for future programs or if it needs to be developed or revised. Evaluation can be done either formative, where each stage are evaluated as developed, or summative, where a structured test is designed based on identified criteria and user feedback are collected. Ideally, the ADDIE instructional design allows the development of a well-analyzed and well-planned instructional. Reference: Dick, W., Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction (4th Ed.). New York: Haper Collins College Publishers.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Organizing an Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Organizing an - Essay Example Development, in this case, means the presentation of ideas. Grammar, word choice, vocabulary, and tone of voice dictate how an idea is presented. The effects of a poorly presented idea are irreparable. The development of writing skills can be broken down into four elements. The most important element that dictates a successful piece of writing is the composition of ideas. In the first essay, ideas were mixed up. There was neither flow nor fluency, though the idea was visible. I learned that the reader has to understand the idea through the writing. In addition, it was made clear to me by my instructor that whatever is in the mind during writing is only visible to the writer. Therefore, the writer has to bring out whatever is in the mind in a succinct manner for it to be visible to the reader. Sufficient progress was visible after I learned how to organize ideas in a way that the reader could understand whatever was in my mind. Firstly, I learned how to understand the context of the issue at hand. After understanding the context, the second step was to brainstorm the relevant ideas to come-up with a comprehensive arrangement of ideas. Information ought to be arranged in an order that makes the reader interested in reading the entire piece. Much progress was made in this section. I learned how to arrange an essay beginning with the thesis statement to notify the reader on the context of the piece. Good grades were sufficient evidence that the instructor was content with the essays from how well I presented the thesis statement. In addition, it was evident that a well-structured conclusion gave the instructor an idea of my opinion about the issue at hand. Therefore, significant progress was made on how to organize writing to represent my mind successfully. Paraphrasing was the main element of writing achieved.

Monday, February 10, 2020

SERVO MOTOR Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

SERVO MOTOR - Lab Report Example One coil is used to pass the DC or AC current through the coils and the other coil just acts to carry the current from the coil. The induced current in the other coil is in different direction and thus the coil moves freely with effect of current. Electric Motors are generally categorized as AC motors and DC motors. AC motors are supplied AC supply; while DC motors are supplied with DC supply. The difference of the power supply produces immense difference in the working principle of the motors, performance of the motors and applications of the motors. DC motors have a magnetic field. The magnetic field can be of permanent magnet or electromagnet. The stator of the motor mostly holds the field coil. The rotor or the motor is supplied DC power through carbon brushes or through commutator. The rotor is fitted with the motor case with the help of ball bearings. On the other hand, it is compulsory to have a field mounted on the stator and winding on the rotor. Some DC motors may have an opposite configuration (Electric Motors - Boundless Open Textbook). The shunt wound series Brushed DC (SWBDC) motor has a parallel field coil with the armature of the motor. The major advantage of the motor is that it operates at constant speed and thus it suits some industrial functions like blower fans, centrifugal pumps, etc (Classification of Electric Motors: Electrical Knowhow). A series Wound Brushed DC (SWDC) motor has a series field coil with the armature of the motor. Such type of motor best suits high torque applications such as elevators, escalators, conveyors, lifts, etc. Compound wound Brushed DC (CWBDC) motors has a field coil in parallel with the armature as well as a field coil in series with the armatures of the motor. It delivers constant speed and maintains high torque. It can be said that compound wound brushed DC motors combines the properties of both the Series wound DC motors and Shunt

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Teaching And Learning Activities Essay Example for Free

Teaching And Learning Activities Essay Introduction There are many teaching and learning activities which are used to achieve lesson plan aims and objectives. The choice will depend upon a number of factors, such as the domain and level of objective. For example, the most appropriate activities to learn a motor skill is through demonstration and individual practice whereas to gain knowledge and understanding a lecture, group debate and question and answer sessions activities are more appropriate (Reese and Walker p137). Reese and Walker (pg 140) states that Honey and Mumford (1986) published the manual of learning styles which identified four main learning styles: Activists whom, enjoy the present, like the immediate experience and respond to short term issues Reflectors whom, prefer to think about things and explore all aspects before coming to a conclusion. Theorists whom, like principles, theories, models and systems. Pragmatists whom look for new ideas and are keen to experiment We as teachers therefore need to think about what teaching strategies the students prefer, particular in a class which consists of a mixture of activists, reflectors, theorist and pragmatists. The group size is another important factor to consider when choosing a learning activity. Different strategies/ activities are more appropriate for different group size. At one extreme a group may consist of only one student. In such circumstances methods such as projects or assignments, and tutoring may be more suitable whereas for small groups of between 5 and 20 students, a discussion method is suitable. A group between 10 and 20 the approach often adopted is what is traditionally called classroom teaching (Reese and Walker pg 137) which consists of a mixture of methods. Groups greater than 20 students, suitable strategies could be lecture and demonstration. Generally, students learn in different ways: an approach that is appropriate to one student may not be appropriate for another. Some people learn better in a group through the interaction with both the teacher and other students. We must therefore realise the importance of varying learning activities for our students (Reese and Walker, pg 138). The aims and objectives of this assignment are to: a) Review the range of teaching and learning activities available to promote open access and widening participation. Review the range of resources available within the organisation for a selected curriculum area b) Prepare, use and evaluate one of teaching and learning activities and resources. c) Evaluate one of the activities selected. d) Analyse the strengths and challenges of the selected resource and how it has supported learning. Teaching and Learning Activities As discussed by Petty (pg 15) there are two approaches to guide the choice of activities, the mnemonic EDUCARE (table 1.1) and CIA (table 1.2). Educare is a suitable guide when learning is focused on acquiring specific skills whereas CIA is a more indirect approach to arranging corrected practise if learning is not focused on acquiring specific skills. EDUCARE E Explanation, student needs to understand why the skill is required D Doing-Detail via demonstration or case study, for example U Use, practise skill C Check and correct practise A Aide-memoire, student requires reminder- for example notes, handout R Review and reuse, of earlier work so that old learning is not forgotten E Evaluation. Table 1.1 (Petty, pg15) CIA C Content, Clarify topic content to an appropriate depth and breadth I Ideas, Determine contents main: concepts, factors, evidence, viewpoints etc A Activities, Create questions and activities where students must reason with the key ideas Table 1.1 (Petty, pg 357) I apply both approaches depending on the subject area, in some instances EDUCARE may be a more suitable guide for a topic in chemistry whereas CIA is suitable for a topic in biology. For the training aspect of my job the CIA approach is more appropriate because the trainees teaching are not acquiring specific skills. My current role at Thermo Electron Corporation involves training clients on how utilise sophisticated equipments and teach chemistry classes and assist biology classes voluntarily at St Helens College. The training sessions runs for 2 days 09:00 to 16:30 every three months. The number of clients range between 5 and 12 with different scientific backgrounds and various levels of experience with the equipments. The next training session will be on April 25th and 26th for 8 clients. The total number of training hours is 15. I have a training manual from the former trainer which I follow for each training session. The training sessions involves audio, visual and kinaesthetic teaching styles. I use OHP, handouts and demonstrations. The organic chemistry and physiology course duration is 16 weeks (from January 2006 to May 2006). The chemistry are 3 hours in the evenings, 5 students in total of mixed gender, aged 16-19, and all students are currently employed by United Utilities and come on the course on day release basis from their employers. Their main reason for being on the course is for qualification purposes to improve career prospects and the recommendation by their employer. The physiology classes are 3 hours per week, 18 students in total, mixed gender and age ranges 16-19. Most are straight from secondary school others are repeating the units. I currently assist the tutor to set-up practical session. The teaching and learning activities (particularly in a classroom environment) that I use in order to promote open access and encourage participation include Ice-breakers, group activities (games, quizzes), brainstorming sessions and discussions. The ice-breakers and informal introductions allows learners to know each other and usually reveal what the learners bring to the group; such as, questions, experience (good or bad, personal and academic), and varied levels of knowledge of the subject. The activities I use more frequently are group activities. I split the group into 2 or 3 group (depending on activity and the no. of attendees) to carry out matching card games, electronic games or to partake in a quiz. Matching cards game. The maximum number of students on the evening organic chemistry course is five, for this reason they all work in a group. I prepare two sets of cards, one set with question and the other set with answers. During the lesions the students are told to arrange the seating so as to work in a team. They are then presented with the cards are given a period of time in which to complete the task. Electronic games. The students work individually. Prior to the lesson I research subject-related game on the internet. The last game found had a game show type theme, who wants to be a millionaire type format. The more questions you answer correctly the closer the chances of winning à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1Million! Class Quiz The class is arranged again in a game show setting, split into two groups. The team that gives the highest number of answers correctly wins the game. These activities prove favourable for the students, it makes the learning process fun and interesting, at the same time encouraging teamwork and participation. The group activities also gives me the opportunity to observe social interaction; study learners relationship with one another; gain an insight to their character and; identify confident, reluctant, dominant and quieter characters. I would definitely reuse this method as it is a very effective learning method. Although the activities have proven successful there are areas of improvement. Such introducing more different types of games; setting tasks so that at the right level for all students; setting different tasks for different students; stretching activities for students/groups whom finish early; check students work by moving systematically round the class; looking over their shoulders and possibly; asking students to self-check or peer-check. For tasks such as the Matching cards game it ensures that no one is completing the tasks incorrectly, and would allow the tutor to manage the tasks more effectively (Petty, pg 170). Resources A resource, as defined by Reece and Walker is a support to teaching strategies which assists learning. The resources I often use to present materials and teach are WB, handouts, OHP, and the Internet. Aside the Whiteboard, the resource I use most often are handouts (see attached example of my lesson plan). The handouts are distributed at the start of the lesson. The handouts are combinations of worksheets and information handouts. They include text, Q A sections and diagrams from the internet or/and textbooks relevant to the topic for that session. The worksheets (incomplete handouts) have gaps which the students are expected to fill-in during the lesson and on occasions complete for homework The source of diagrams and texts are always referenced, for copy-write purposes and to encourage the student do own research/study. The diagrams are colourful illustrations; and the text is often printed on coloured paper in order to differentiate between different aspects. The students are talked through the handouts and asked to answer the questions or fill-in the gaps individually (occasionally in groups). I find this resource a very effective visual aid for learning; it is simple, to the point and interesting. The main advantages of visual aids as discussed by Petty are; they gain attention; they add variety and interest; they aid conceptualisation, many ideas are understood visually rather than verbally; they aid memory, I find that the students find visual information easier to remember than verbal information and lastly; they show you care, going to trouble of preparing visual aids shows students you take their learning seriously. The resources weakness on the other-hand is that the learner tends not to read the handouts that are why it is good practice to include incomplete handouts at the start of the lesson. Completion of the handout can form the focus of the learning (Reece and Walker pg 212). I evaluate the chosen aid by asking my students their opinion about the suitability and whether they assisted learning. The feedback is generally positive, especially about the bright coloured papers! Teaching methods Petty (1998 pg 121) states that in order to make an informed choice of teaching method and in order to be adaptable and have a variety of activities for lesson planning, the teacher must know what teaching methods are available; what are the strengths and weaknesses of these methods; what purpose each of them can serve and; how each should be used in practice. I choose resources that are best suited to my teaching methods. Depending on the topic my methods can include one or more of the following; audio, visual, activities, demonstrations and discussions. For example the white board, handouts and cards are resources best suited for brainstorming/discussion and group activities. According to Reese and Walker (pg 138) we as teachers need to consider how to provide the experiences so as to make learning as easy and quick to possible. Two possible approaches are; to design a teaching programme where the content is carefully derived from an analysis of the students personal, social/or vocational needs, and which is implemented by the tutor in controlled and organised manner; the second approach starts from the experience of the student. It then depends upon the student identifying and accepting a need to learn. The teaching methods which allow this second approach to be implemented will be project work derived from students current experience, discussions, activities designed to provide opportunities for specific learning outcomes, and the learning of specific problem-solving techniques. Reference Petty, G. Teaching Today, second edition, 1998, pages 121-166 and 315-333. Reece, I. and Walker, S. Teaching, Training and Learning. A practical guide, fourth edition, 2000, pages 6, 49-57, 531-533.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Television and Its Imapact on Society Essay -- essays papers

Television and Its Imapact on Society Introduction Vladimir Kosma Zworykin created a rudimentary versionof the television in 1924; however, the first realistically working television was made possible by Philo Taylor Farnsworth in the 1940s. These televisions were exceptionally expensive, consequently only the affluent members of society had access to them. It was only in 1960 beginning with the presidential election that the television became fashionable to the common public. From that moment on, television has had an immense impact on nearly every facet of our social order, from political affairs to child behavior. This paper will observe some of the more remarkable proceedings and issues television has, and is still, concerned with. Ultimately, this essay will conclude with the nature of influence this solitary device has had on our way of life throughout the years. Vietnam War Television can, and in many cases does, transform the public attitude of political events, as was illustrated in the Vietnam War. During the Vietnam War, Hollywood began generating films in order to rouse controversy over the war. These films were filled with anti-war propaganda and allusions to World War II, which triggered America?s contempt for American involvement in the Vietnam crisis. Upon seeing this and becoming conscious of the threat Hollywood posed, the government began to use those same strategies against the cinematographers. Government documentaries began to come on the scene to give significance to what was happening in Vietnam. From that point on, the Vietnam War became a ?television war? because it was said that more citizens were watching the television than the actual war. Journalists began to show ?history through camera lens.? One such journalist is Walter Cronkite. Cronkite visited Vietnam after the Tet Offensive, and publicized his conclusions on national television. His remark that ?the [Vietnam] War can not be won honorably? caused Lyndon B. Johnson to withdraw himself from the Democratic Primary Election. Vocal oppositions to the war pealed out across the country as a result of the television broadcasts. Rallies, protests and demonstrations began draft-resistance movements. Scenes of cruelty, maimings, bombings, dying Americans, and fleeing refugees flooded American homes everyday. Reporters did everything in their power to... and social decline in America. Bibliography: Bailey, William C. ?Murder, Capital Punishment, and Television: Execution Publicity and Homicide Rates?, American Sociological Review, Vol. 55, No. 5,(October 1990) Boyer, Paul S., et. al. The Enduring Vision. Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company, 1996. Cook, Thomas D., et. al. ?The Implicit Assumptions of Television Research: An Analysis of the 1982 NIMH Report on Television and Behavior?, Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 2, (Summer, 1983) Grabber, Doris A. ?Press and Television as Opinion Resources in President Campaigns?,Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 3, (Autumn, 1976) Hallin, Daniel C. ?The Media, the War in Vietnam, and Political Support: A Critique of the Thesis of an Oppositional Media?, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 46, No. 1 (February 1984) Hillard, Robert L. ?Television and Education?, Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 29, No. 8, (November, 1958)? Is the Problem with Television or Viewers, American Enterprise. March, 1999 Rollins, Peter C. ?The Vietnam War: Perceptions Through Literature, Film, and Television?, American Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 3. (1984)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay

Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable (Miller, Vandome, & McBrewster, 2009). Corporal punishment can be divided into three categories, these include: judicial, domestic and school. For the purpose of this essay we will be focusing on school corporal punishment, the advantages and guidelines to follow when using corporal punishment and the disadvantages and effects on children when child abuse is used in the name of corporal punishment. According to Vockell (1991), â€Å"Corporal punishment is the infliction of physical pain, contingent upon the occurrence of a misbehavior† (p. 278). It is a very controversial topic that is raised amongst educators across the nation. There are always advantages and disadvantages when hitting a child in the name of corporal punishment and the techniques used when punishing the child. Quite a few people support corporal punishment as an effective way of disciplining a child, while a large number of people believe corporal punishment is a cruel and inhumane way to deal with the child. Sometimes all children need is a little spanking to set them straight, help them see the errors of their ways, but, how would you know when you’re crossed the line from disciplining the child to committing child abuse. According to an article by Clark (2004): John Wilson suggests there are six advantages of corporal punishment: cheap and easy to administer, effective deterrent, effective reform, adjustable pain, fair: because of similar dislike of pain, no permanent damage (p.363). Some people who support corporal punishment can see only the positive effects of these advantages. Out of these six advantages and for the purpose of this essay, we will be focusing on five of the advantages. The first advantage of corporal punishment is that â€Å"it is cheap and easy to administer.† This simply means that, it will cost less to spank a child instead of a long period of imprisonment and if one does not care about the â€Å"niceties† about hitting a child, it can be easily administered. The second advantage that was stated by Wilson is that it is an â€Å"effective deterrent.† Educators believe that corporal punishment is the only language children understand because it is perceived as unpleasant. This may sound like a disad vantage, but, punishment by its own definition involves unpleasant stimulations. Children will likely keep to the rules govern by the institution because they would fear the physical pain and humiliation. The third advantage stated by Wilson is â€Å"effective reform,† this is the disciplining or reforming of a wrongdoer for misbehavior. As with effective deterrent, effective reform, also uses fear of physical pain and humiliation for attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable, to help improve or mend one’s ways. Another one of Wilson’s advantages states that â€Å"it is fair for all, since all people are similar in their dislike of pain† (Clark, 2004, p. 367). The recipients of physical pain knows how much it hurts to be spanked, paddled, canned, flogged or smacked, so they would try to stay clear of the obvious consequence. The final advantage states that there is â€Å"no permanent damage: when using corporal punishment. The recipients will learn self discipline when being administer corporal punishment as long as you follow the guidelines used in the institutions. These guidelines are put in place to help educators be responsible when disciplining a ch ild using corporal punishment. Simply put, the guidelines are a â€Å"How to manual† when administering corporal punishment. So here are some main guidelines of behavior management for corporal punishment. Firstly, educators should not use corporal punishment when a more appropriate technique is available, but there are always eases where sparing the rod can also spoil the child. If corporal punishment must be administered, educators should have a clear head. Teachers should not take out there anger and frustration out on the child. Punishment must be administered soon after the offence. Children tend to forget the reason why they are being punished after a long period of time has passed, making them believe that they should not be punished. It is also best to specify the behavior being punished. Educators must administer corporal punishment dispassionately. Teachers tend to spank or hit a child more aggressively because they might not like the child as a person. Not to mention, teachers should be bother wh en they are administering corporal punishment to any child. Administer corporal punishment in front of appropriate witnesses, these witnesses should be regarded as reliable and truthful in case of litigation. And, corporal punishment should be carried out with appropriate confidentiality, because, what good would it do to humiliate the child. And finally, make sure you follow all the rules and regulations prescribed by the school system, this is to assure you have the support and an effective defense, should a legal challenge arise. But with every advantage there is an equal disadvantage. Most people believe that corporal punishment in schools is not morally acceptance. This is where the disadvantages occur. According to Vockell (1991), â€Å"punishment is not likely to be logically related to the misbehavior† (p. 279). This just means that the students who are punished for misbehavior not worthy of punishment are victims of artificial punishment. Artificial punishment simply means, using another means of punishment instead of corporal punishment. The second disadvantage is that physical punishment often models socially inappropriate behavior to the child. According to Vockell (1991), a solid finding from child-rearing research states that, children who are spanked more often than others are more likely to hit other children and act out aggressively while growing up. Parents and teachers need to reason with children to make them better understand that there are consequences to their actions. The children should know that it hurts the adults more than its hurts them to be spanked. And, by explaining this to the children, they would not grow up solving their problems by hitting people that annoy them. Another disadvantage is that corporal punishment may inflict real injury to the child that can be related to child abuse. Teachers can sometimes take out there anger and frustration on children in the name of corporal punishment, leaving them with broken bones, torn ligaments, whiplash injury, blindness and in some cases death, just to name a few. Lastly, because of the injuries that children can sometimes sustain in the name of corporal punishment, litigation can occur. In the face of these injuries lawsuits are filed prohibiting corporal punishment in schools. Educators who believe that corporal punishment should be banned from school institution think that the physical and psychological effect on children far outweighs the advantages of corporal punishment. The arguments that are raised against corporal punishment said that is leads to abuse, it is degrading and humiliating, it is psychologically damaging and it teaches the wrong lesson. As always, there are instances where, corporal punishment can lead to abuse. A teacher maybe angry and frustrated at home and take out there vindictiveness and retaliation on the child. These teachers would then be crossing the line to physical abuse. Corporal punishment can be a degrading and humiliating form of punishment, because it involves the â€Å"direct and intense power to the body† especially if this punishment is carried out in front of the child’s peers. Corporal punishment can be psychologically damaging to a child. It causes submissiveness in the child affected by it, making them easy prey for predators who might sexually exploit them. No one can expect a child who is conditioned for corporal punishment to simply say no to a molester. And lastly, corporal punishment can sometimes teach the wrong lessons to children. According to Benatar (2001), â€Å"punishing a wrongdoer by inflicting physical pain sends the message that violence is an appropriate way to settle differences or to respond to problems. In conclusion, the arguments for corporal punishment might be practical and the only way for a wrongdoer to learn discipline and respect, but, at the end of the day, according to Europe (2007), â€Å"hitting people is wrong and children are people too† (5 p.). The effects on the children when using corporal punishment can be most damaging to their physical and emotional self. Even with school systems guidelines, teachers still commit child abuse in the name of corporal punishment. Bibliography B., P. (2006-2011). Phil For Humanity. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from The Pros and Cons Of Corporal Punishment: Benatar, D. (2001, October). Corpun. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from Corporal Punishment: Clark, J. (2004). Aganist the Corporal Punishment of Children. Cambridge Journal of Education , 363. Europe, C. o. (2007). Abolishing Corporal Punishment of Children: questions and answers. Council of Europe. Miller, F. P., Vandome, A. F., & McBrewster, J. (2009). Corporal Punishment. VDM Publishing House Ltd. Vockell, E. L. (1991). Corporal Punishment: The Pros and Cons. The Clearing House , 278-283.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay on Slavery - 1136 Words

Slavery The representative government begins with the House of Burguess. The house of Burguess as the legislature was called; they first met on July 30, 1619 in a little church in Jamestown to write the laws of Virginia. The house of Burguess remained in existence even after James I took control of Virginia. At that time there were eleven settlements in the colony. Each of them elected two, burguesses, as representatives were called. In 1964 James I cancelled the charter of the Virginia Company, thus making Virginia a royal colony. The tobacco cultivation assures Virginia’s success, which was another unanticipated development was the discovery that raising tobacco was a profitable way to make a living. In 1612 Captain John†¦show more content†¦By 1651 there were about 300 Africans in Virginia’s population of 15000. By 1640 some black servants were forced to serve their indentures for life. Slaveholders were given increasing control as the personal and civil freedom of black people, which was more and more restricted. Finally, as the 1700’s opened, the English were becoming heavily involved in the profitable slave trade, until then a monopoly of Spain. The demand for slaves increases because of labor shortage. Another response was the importation of African slaves. Slave trading itself mocked the high ideals on which so many of the colonies which had been founded. For the suffering of slaves the torment was often made worse by the fact that they came from different places of Africa. Some Africans tried to escape their mystery by starving themselves to death aboard the ships. Accustomed to agricultural work in Africa, they became indispensable to the colonial economy. Those Africans who survived the Atlantic crossing were quickly taken in hand and taught the tasks they would have to perform in America. It is estimated that 2/3 of the slaves captured in Africa never survived to land in America. The American Revolution cut off trade with England. Debate whether slavery is still necessary with the decline of agriculture. Southerners needed a new crop to make farming profitable. They grew cotton in small amounts.Show MoreRelatedSlavery And The Slavery Of Slavery Essay2080 Words   |  9 PagesThere has been an ongoing debate on whether Christianity condoned or condemned slavery. In this essay, I will discuss how slave owners used biblical context to uphold the institution of slavery. I will begin analyzing scriptures in the bible that pertain to slavery. It is in my belief that the Bible did not condone slavery in the way that slave owners upheld slavery. 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